Pest Control Businesses
Both clients are highly regarded in the Maroochydore and Sunshine Coast region for their expertise and approach to solving pest control problems.
Our challenge was to find out what made them different and how to represent them in the same geographical area.
We had to ensure their visual identities remained true to their businesses, highlighting their unique selling points as well as designing visually striking brands to attract the businesses target audiences.
Pest Control and Inspections
Servicing the Sunshine Coast area, business owner Ashley Smith already had 25 impressive years in business when he approached us for a redesign of his business’s visual identity.
We created the slogan “Beat the Bug” to complement the new logo. The colour palette is fresh, friendly and approachable, just as Ashley’s team is when people are in need of advice and help.
Maroochy River Pest Control & Inspection Services

Pest & Termite Control Specialist
For many years, “Will Kill” had been servicing clients across the Sunshine Coast. But as time changed, so did the business. The business changed from “Will Kill” to “Pest Care” to communicate what they did and what their focus was.
Care and protection, for both people and animals, is at the core of their business operations, so we created a logo that represents just that: protection.
The colours blue and green represent the environment, and the red tick brings just enough attention to imply they’ve got you covered when you need protection against pests.
Pest Care